NSS STI-AS and STI-VS REST interface
In addition to traditional SIP INVITE/300 interface NSS provides a REST interface for STI-AS signing and STI-VS verification in compliance with ATIS-1000082 standards.
HTTP spec
The following headers are expected to be sent in all HTTP requests:
Header Name |
Mandatory? |
Description |
X-RequestID |
N |
The X-RequestID transaction ID should be included in order to make possible the transaction traceability in case of troubleshooting and fault analysis. If received, it will not be validated explicitly by server. If not received, it will be automatically generated by STI-AS/VS service on request receipt. Received/Generated transaction ID will be returned back in the corresponding HTTP response in “X-RequestID” header. |
X-InstanceID |
N |
For auditing purposes, each component calling the API should identify itself by sending its identity (e.g., VNFC name/UUID, VM name/UUID ...) in "XInstanceID" header. |
Content-Type |
Y |
Determines the format of the request body. Valid value is: “application/json”. Requests with other types will be rejected with “415 Unsupported Media type” HTTP status code. |
Accept |
N |
If specified, has to contain “application/json” content type, otherwise HTTP request will be rejected with “406 Not Acceptable” HTTP Status Code. If not specified, will be default handled as “application/json”. |
The following headers are expected to be sent in all HTTP responses:
Header Name |
Mandatory? |
Description |
X-RequestID |
Y |
Received/Generated X-RequestID transaction ID will be returned in the corresponding HTTP response. |
Content-Type |
Y |
Determines the format of the response body. Valid value is: “application/json” |
Endpoint |
Description |
This REST endpoint is responsible for processing a signing request to produce a STIR/SHAKEN identity header. The operation will send back an object with the signing results. |
Parameter |
Description |
signingRequest |
This is the JSON object’s root element. When sending the request, it will require that the data being sent is a JSON string with the root element, signingRequest |
attest |
SHAKEN extension to PASSporT. Indicator identifying the service provider that is vouching for the call as well as clearly indicating what information the service provider is attesting to. SHAKEN spec requires “attest” key value be set to uppercase characters “A”, “B”, or “C”. In Sansay’s Implementation of the NSS, Attestation is configured for each ANI via the GUI or REST/SOAP |
orig |
Represents the asserted identity of the originator of the personal communications signaling. |
dest |
Represents the called party. Array containing one or more identities of TNs. |
iat |
“Issued At Claim”: Should be set to the date and time of issuance of the PASSporT Token. The time value should be in the Numeric Date format defined in RFC 7519: number of seconds elapsed since 00:00:00 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), Thursday, 1 January 1970 not including leap seconds |
origid |
The unique origination identifier (“origid”) is defined as part of SHAKEN extension to PASSporT. This unique origination identifier should be a globally unique string corresponding to a UUID (RFC 4122). NOT CURRENTLY USED - THIS IS NOT CURRENTLY NEEDED. |
HTTP Signing Response Codes
Code |
Service/Policy Exception |
Reason / Description |
200 |
N/A |
Successful signing. |
400 |
SVC4000 |
Missing JSON body in the request. |
400 |
SVC4001 |
Missing mandatory parameter. |
406 |
SVC4002 |
Not supported body type is specified in Accept HTTP header. |
415 |
SVC4004 |
Received unsupported message body type in Content-Type HTTP header. |
400 |
SVC4005 |
Invalid parameter value. |
400 |
SVC4006 |
Failed to parse JSON body. |
411 |
SVC4007 |
Missing mandatory Content-Length header. |
405 |
POL4050 |
Method Not Allowed: Invalid HTTP method used (all methods except POST will be rejected for the specific resource URL). |
500 |
POL5000 |
The POST request failed due to internal signing server problem. |
The POST request will require that you send valid parameters as follows:
{ "signingRequest":{ "attest":"A", "orig":{ "tn":"12155551212"}, "dest":{"tn":["12355551212"] }, "iat":1443208345, “origid”:”SOME_UNIQUE_STRING” } }
*NOTE: Curl requests going to the NSS should include the ‘--insecure’ or ‘-k’ flag unless the NSS has a correctly configured SSL certificate with a matching domain name.
curl https://nss.sansay.com:3334/stir/v1/signing -k -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'X-RequestID: 12345678' -d "{\"signingRequest\":{\"orig\":{\"tn\":\"12155551212\"},\"dest\":{\"tn\":[\"12355551212\"]},\"iat\":$(date +%s)}}" |
Response Sample (Success)
HTTP/1.1 200 OK X-RequestID: AA97B177-9383-4934-8543-0F91A7A02836 Content-Type: application/json Content-Length: … { "signingResponse": { "identity":“eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6InBhc3Nwb3J0IiwicHB0Ijoic2hha2VuIiwieDV1IjoiaHR0cDovL2NlcnQtYXV0aC5wb2Muc3lzLmNvbWNhc3QubmV0L2V4YW1wbGUuY2VydCJ9eyJhdHRlc3QiOiJBIiwiZGVzdCI6eyJ0biI6IisxMjE1NTU1MTIxMyJ9LCJpYXQiOiIxNDcxMzc1NDE4Iiwib3JpZyI6eyJ0biI64oCdKzEyMTU1NTUxMjEyIn0sIm9yaWdpZCI6IjEyM2U0NTY3LWU4OWItMTJkMy1hNDU2LTQyNjY1NTQ0MDAwMCJ9._28kAwRWnheXyA6nY4MvmK5JKHZH9hSYkWI4g75mnq9Tj2lW4WPm0PlvudoGaj7wM5XujZUTb_3MA4modoDtCA;info=<https://cert.example2.net/example.cert>” } }
Response Sample (Failure)
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request X-RequestID: AA97B177-9383-4934-8543-0F91A7A02836 Content-Type: application/json Content-Length: … { “requestError”: { “serviceException”: { “messageId”: “SVC4001” “text”: “Error: Missing mandatory parameter ‘%1’”, “variables”: [“iat”] } } }
The following headers are expected to be sent in all HTTP requests:
Header Name |
Mandatory? |
Description |
X-RequestID |
N |
The X-RequestID transaction ID should be included in order to make possible the transaction traceability in case of troubleshooting and fault analysis. If received, it will not be validated explicitly by server. If not received, it will be automatically generated by STI-AS/VS service on request receipt. Received/Generated transaction ID will be returned back in the corresponding HTTP response in “X-RequestID” header. |
X-InstanceID |
N |
For auditing purposes, each component calling the API should identify itself by sending its identity (e.g., VNFC name/UUID, VM name/UUID ...) in "XInstanceID" header. |
Content-Type |
Y |
Determines the format of the request body. Valid value is: “application/json”. Requests with other types will be rejected with “415 Unsupported Media type” HTTP status code. |
Accept |
N |
If specified, has to contain “application/json” content type, otherwise HTTP request will be rejected with “406 Not Acceptable” HTTP Status Code. If not specified, will be default handled as “application/json”. |
The following headers are expected to be sent in all HTTP responses:
Header Name |
Mandatory? |
Description |
X-RequestID |
Y |
Received/Generated X-RequestID transaction ID will be returned in the corresponding HTTP response. |
Content-Type |
Y |
Determines the format of the response body. Valid value is: “application/json” |
Endpoint |
Description |
Response |
This REST endpoint is responsible for processing a verification request with a STIR/SHAKEN ID Header. The operation will send back an object with the verification results. |
403 - Forbidden for requests from hosts that are not in SBC/trusted host lists |
The POST request will require that you send valid parameters as follows:
{ "verificationRequest":{ "from":{ "tn":"12155551212"}, "to":{"tn":["12355551212"] }, "time":1443208345, "identity":"eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6InBhc3Nwb3J0IiwicHB0Ijoic2hha2VuIiwieDV1IjoiaHR0cDovL2NlcnQtYXV0aC5wb2Muc3lzLmNvbWNhc3QubmV0L2V4YW1wbGUuY2VydCJ9eyJhdHRlc3QiOiJBIiwiZGVzdCI6eyJ0biI6IisxMjE1NTU1MTIxMyJ9LCJpYXQiOiIxNDcxMzc1NDE4Iiwib3JpZyI6eyJ0biI64oCdKzEyMTU1NTUxMjEyIn0sIm9yaWdpZCI6IjEyM2U0NTY3LWU4OWItMTJkMy1hNDU2LTQyNjY1NTQ0MDAwMCJ9._28kAwRWnheXyA6nY4MvmK5JKHZH9hSYkWI4g75mnq9Tj2lW4WPm0PlvudoGaj7wM5XujZUTb_3MA4modoDtCA;info=<https://cert.example2.net/example.cert>" } }
Parameter |
Description |
verificationRequest |
This is the JSON object’s root element. When sending the request, it will require that the data being sent is a JSON string with the root element, ‘verificationRequest’ |
from |
This is a JSON object with a single child element, ‘tn’ - This is where the ANI will be added. Can only be 1 ANI. |
to |
This is a JSON object with a single child element, ‘tn’ - This is where the DNIS will be added. The child element here is a string array as we may have many DNIS. |
time |
Epoch timestamp of the call. Please note that all certificates should use GMT, so the epoch time should likewise reflect this. |
identity |
This is the identity header from the call. |
HTTP Verification Response Codes
Error Case Number |
Error Case (“reasondesc”) |
HTTP Status Code |
“reasoncode” |
“reasontext” |
“verstat” |
E1 |
Missing mandatory parameters in the verification request (“from”, “to”, “time”, “identity”). |
400 with service exception |
- |
- |
No-TN-Validation |
E2 |
Received invalid parameters (invalid “from”/“to” tn format, “time” value). |
400 with service exception |
- |
- |
No-TN-Validation |
E3 |
Received ‘iat’ value is not fresh. |
200 |
403 |
Stale Date |
No-TN-Validation |
E4 |
Identity header in compact form instead of required by SHAKEN spec full form. |
200 |
438 |
Invalid Identity Header |
No-TN-Validation |
E5 |
Identity header is received with ‘ppt’ parameter value that is not ‘shaken’. |
200 |
438 |
Invalid Identity Header |
No-TN-Validation |
E6 |
Missing ‘info’ parameter in the ‘identity’. |
200 |
436 |
Bad identity info |
No-TN-Validation |
E7 |
Invalid ‘info’ URI. |
200 |
436 |
Bad identity info |
No-TN-Validation |
E8 |
Failed to dereference ‘info’ URI. |
200 |
436 |
Bad identity info |
No-TN-Validation |
E9 |
Missing ‘%1’ claim in the PASSporT header. %1 - “ppt”, ”typ”, ”alg”, ”x5u” |
200 |
436 |
Bad identity info |
No-TN-Validation |
E10 |
‘x5u’ from PASSporT header doesn’t match the ‘info’ parameter of identity header value. |
200 |
436 |
Bad identity info |
No-TN-Validation |
E11 |
‘typ’ from PASSporT header is not ‘passport’. |
200 |
437 |
Unsupported Credential |
No-TN-Validation |
E12 |
‘alg‘ from PASSporT header is not ‘ES256’. |
200 |
437 |
Unsupported Credential |
No-TN-Validation |
E13 |
‘ppt‘ from PASSporT header is not ‘shaken’. |
200 |
438 |
Invalid Identity Header |
No-TN-Validation |
E14 |
Missing ‘%1’ mandatory claim in PASSporT payload %1 - “dest”, “orig”, “attest”, “origid”, “iat” |
200 |
438 |
Invalid Identity Header |
No-TN-Validation |
E15 |
‘iat’ from PASSporT payload is not fresh. |
200 |
403 |
Stale Date |
No-TN-Validation |
E16 |
‘%1’ claim from PASSporT payload doesn’t match the received in the verification request claim. %1 - “orig”, “dest” |
200 |
438 |
Invalid Identity Header |
No-TN-Validation |
E17 |
Failed to authenticate CA. |
200 |
437 |
Unsupported Credential |
TN-Validation-Failed |
E18 |
Signature validation failed. |
200 |
438 |
Invalid Identity Header |
TN-Validation-Failed |
E19 |
‘attest’ claim in PASSporT payload is not valid. |
200 |
438 |
Invalid Identity Header |
No-TN-Validation |
curl https://local.sansay.com:3333/stir/v1/verification -k -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"verificationRequest":{"from":{"tn":"12155551212"}, "to":{"tn":["12355551212"]}, "time":1443208345, "identity":"eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6InBhc3Nwb3J0IiwicHB0Ijoic2hha2VuIiwieDV1IjoiaHR0cDovL2NlcnQtYXV0aC5wb2Muc3lzLmNvbWNhc3QubmV0L2V4YW1wbGUuY2VydCJ9eyJhdHRlc3QiOiJBIiwiZGVzdCI6eyJ0biI6IisxMjE1NTU1MTIxMyJ9LCJpYXQiOiIxNDcxMzc1NDE4Iiwib3JpZyI6eyJ0biI64oCdKzEyMTU1NTUxMjEyIn0sIm9yaWdpZCI6IjEyM2U0NTY3LWU4OWItMTJkMy1hNDU2LTQyNjY1NTQ0MDAwMCJ9._28kAwRWnheXyA6nY4MvmK5JKHZH9hSYkWI4g75mnq9Tj2lW4WPm0PlvudoGaj7wM5XujZUTb_3MA4modoDtCA;info=<https://cert.example2.net/example.cert>"}}'
Response Sample (Success + Successful Validation)
HTTP/1.1 200 OK X-RequestID: AA97B177-9383-4934-8543-0F91A7A02836 Content-Type: application/json Content-Length: … { "verificationResponse": { “verstat”: “TN-Validation-Passed” } }
Response Sample (Success + Failed Validation)
HTTP/1.1 200 OK X-RequestID: AA97B177-9383-4934-8543-0F91A7A02836 Content-Type: application/json Content-Length: … { "verificationResponse": { “reasoncode”: 436, “reasontext”: “Bad Identity Info”, “reasondesc”: “Invalid ‘info’ URI”, “verstat”: “No-TN-Validation” } }
Response Sample (Failure)
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request X-RequestID: AA97B177-9383-4934-8543-0F91A7A02836 Content-Type: application/json Content-Length: … { “requestError”: { “serviceException”: { “messageId”: “SVC4001”, “text”: “Error: Missing mandatory parameter ‘%1’”, “variables”: [“iat”] } } }
3 replies
I see this in one place for verification:
But in the curl section I see this:
curl https://local.sansay.com:3333/stir/v1/url -k -X POST
Which one is correct?
Can this be downloaded as a pdf?