Transition to Automated Certificate Renewals
Sansay NSS supports the automation of certificate renewals as defined in defined in ATIS-1000080. Automated renewals combine the simplicity of certificate lifecycle management with enhanced security…
Branded Calling ID
Contents Sansay NSS with BCID How It Works BCID Platform Integration Real-time Call Delivery Setup Testing and Troubleshooting Annex Multiple Call Reasons OTG to EID Mapping Frequently Asked…
NetSapiens SNAP integration with NSS
Contents Pre-requisites Step-by-step procedure Setup the connection Enable SIP Identity header Edit Dial Translation Plan Forwarding Dial Translations Call Routing Test Setup w/Call Route Final…
Kamailio integration with Sansay NSS
Integration This integration guide explains the necessary steps to use Sansay NSS to obtain a SHAKEN PASSPorT and inject a SIP Identity header on your calls.…
NSS Simplified Flow Diagram
Authentication Verification
NSS Configuration Backup and Restore
Contents Configuration Backups Backup Options GUI Full backup Table backup API Backup Restore Options GUI API Configuration Backups There are several ways to download configuration backups in NSS,…
Implementing DNO blocking in NSS
Contents What is a DNO list? NSS Implementation Generic DNO Rejection Cause Code Custom DNO Rejection Cause Code Updating the DNO List Updating DNO via GUI Updating DNO via API Configuration Summary…
Freeswitch and NSS integration
It is straightforward to add support for STIR/SHAKEN in Freeswitch using Sansay's NSS. While there are different ways to accomplish this task the below solution delivers the functionality with minor…
Asterisk and NSS integration
It is straightforward to add support for STIR/SHAKEN in Asterisk using Sansay's NSS. While there are different ways to accomplish this task the below solution delivers the functionality with 1 line…
NSS can be configured to work with an ACME SBC as a SIP Redirect Server or via a REST Interface. Depending on the software version of your ACME SBC you could do it via REST or may need to do it…
STI-VS Call Presentation Options and VERSTAT handling
While the SIP Identity header carries STIR/SHAKEN call authentication, the P-Asserted-Identity verstat parameter plays an essential role in displaying the call verification (STI-VS) result to…
STI-AS Attestation Policy Options
Contents Introduction Guidelines Use Cases When/How to use "Ignore"? Updating NSS Policy table Introduction NSS uses SBC (originating switch/IP), OTG (originating trunk group),…
Sansay STI-CA
Contents Overview Trust Model STI-PA/iconectiv Registration Process STI-PA Customer Requirements Obtaining an STI Certificate STI-PA API User Sansay STI-CA Web Portal ACME Client Manual Certificate…