ROME SOAP API Interface Command List
SOAP API Client Usage
Sansay_ROME_WS_Client [-options] <command> <args...> (to execute a command)
Options are:
- -a<ipaddr> ip address of Sansay ROME
- -u<username> user name
- -p<password> user's password
- -version print product version and exit
- -? -help print this help message
parameters in [] are required, parameters in <> are optional
ROME SOAP API client can be downloaded from this link.
WSDL File Location
WS Parameters
For each WS operation the client sends a request with a couple of parameters. In WSDL file parameters are defined in elements that contain word “Params”. The first part of the element name represents the operation name followed by word “Params”. Similarly, the results of operations are defined in elements that contain the word “Result”.
Common WS operation parameters are:
- binFile – Binary (zipped XML or CSV) file. May contain multiple XML/CSV files.
- table – String with table name.
- tableId – Table ID.
- tableSubId – Table SubId.
- username – Username.
- password – Password.
Parameters for operation results are:
- retCode – Integer with return code.
- statusMessage – String, text description of operation result..
- resultFile – String with contents of XML file requested.
- binFile – Attached binary (zipped XML) file.
Note that not all operations have all these parameters, but most do. Some operations also have additional parameters. For most operations parameters tableId and tableSubId are optional. Specific details for each operation are described below.
Provisioning Commands
Update will insert (it entry doesn't exist in table) or update (if entry exists in table).
update <xml_zip_file_name> [table] <tableID> <ClusterID=[clusterId]>
- xml_zip_file_name = file
- table:
- route
- routeCSV
- routeTableGroup
- trunk
- switchProxy
- carrier
- jurisdiction
- jurisdictionCSV
- jurisdictionProfile
- jurisdictionTypeName
- blockedRoute,
- tableID = table ID (required only when table = jurisdiction, skip for other tables)
For VSXi Config Manager:
- ClusterID=<clusterID> parameter is required
- table: VSXi_route, VSXi_routegroup, VSXi_routetable, VSXi_resource, VSXi_resourceblock, VSXi_digit_mapping_index, VSXi_digit_mapping, VSXi_subscriber , VSXi_virtualip, VSXi_serviceport
Deletes entries specified in file from the specified table.
delete [xml_zip_file_name] [table] <tableID> <ClusterID=[clusterId]>
xml_zip_file_name = location of xml file
- table:
- route
- routeCSV
- routeTableGroup
- lnp
- trunk
- switchProxy
- carrier
- jurisdiction
- jurisdictionCSV
- jurisdictionProfile
- jurisdictionTypeName
- blockedRoute
- tableID = table ID (required only when table = jurisdiction, skip for other tables)
For VSXi Config Manager:
- ClusterID=<clusterID> parameter is required
- table = VSXi_route, VSXi_routegroup, VSXi_routetable, VSXi_resource, VSXi_resourceblock, VSXi_digit_mapping_index, VSXi_digit_mapping, VSXi_subscriber, VSXi_virtualip, VSXi_serviceport
Replaces (delete and insert) entries in the specified table.
replace [xml_zip_file_name] [table] <tableID> <ClusterID=[ClusterID]>
- xml_zip_file_name = file
- table
- route
- routeCSV
- lnp
- trunk
- switchProxy
- carrier
- jurisdiction
- jurisdictionCSV
- jurisdictionTypeName
- blockedRoute
- tableID = table ID (required only when table = jurisdiction, skip for other tables)
For VSXi Config Manager:
- ClusterID=<ClusterID> parameter is required
- table = VSXi_route, VSXi_routesInRouteTable, VSXi_routesInMultipleRouteTables, VSXi_digitMappingsInDigMapTable, VSXi_digit_mapping, VSXi_subscriber
Downloads data from the specified table.
download [xml_zip_file_name] [table] <tableID> <tableSubID> <savedConfigFileName> <configFileDescription> <ClusterID=[ClusterID]>
- xml_zip_file_name = file name to be used to save data
- table
- route
- routeCSV
- routeTableGroup
- blockedRoutes
- lnp
- trunk
- switchProxy
- carrier
- jurisdiction
- jurisdictionCSV
- jurisdictionProfile
- jurisdictionTypeName
- configFile
- systemConfiguration
- systemRateParameters
- tableID = table ID (required only when table = route, jurisdiction, skip for other tables)
- tableSubID = table SubID (required only when table = route, skip for other tables)
- savedConfigFileName = existing configuration backup file name (required only when table = configFile, skip for other tables)
- configFileDescription = description to be used for configuration snapshot, needs to be surrounded by quotation marks (required only when table = systemConfiguration, skip for other tables)
For VSXi Config Manager:
- ClusterID=<ClusterID> parameter is required
- table = VSXi_route, VSXi_routegroup, VSXi_routetable, VSXi_resource, VSXi_resourceblock, VSXi_digit_mapping_index, VSXi_digit_mapping, VSXi_subscriber, VSXi_virtualip, VSXi_serviceport, VSXi_systemConfiguration
ROME table management commands:
Get Table List
Downloads xml file with list of tables
getTableList [xml_zip_file_name] [table] [tableID]
- xml_zip_file_name = location of xml file
- table = route, rate
- tableID = table ID or "all"
Create Table
Creates a table
createTable [table] [tableID] [tableSubID] [alias] <RateTableType=[Customer | Vendor]>
- table = route
- tableID = table ID
- tableSubID = table SubID
- alias = table Alias
Copy Table
copyTable [table] [sourceTableID] [sourceTableSubID] [targetTableID] [targetTableSubID] [alias]
- table = route, rate
- sourceTableID = table ID
- sourceTableSubID = table SubID
- targetTableID = table ID
- targetTableSubID = table SubID
- alias = target table Alias
Delete Table
Deletes a table
deleteTable [table] <tableID> <xml_zip_file_name>
- table = routeTableID, routeTableSubID
- tableID = table ID (required only when table = routeTableID skip for other tables)
- xml_zip_file_name = file (required only when table = routeTableSubID, skip for other tables)
Active Table
Activates a table
activateTable [table] <tableID> <tableSubID>
- table = route, lnp
- tableID = table ID
- tableSubID = table SubID
- getActiveTables [xml_file_name] <table>
Gets Active Route Tables where:
table = route,rate (if not specified route is assumed
xml_file_name = xml file name to be used to save data
- getTableIDSubID [xml_file_name] [table] <tableID>
Gets table ids with grouped Sub IDS where:
xml_file_name = xml file name to be used to save data
table = route, lnp, rate
tableID = table ID (Can be 'all' to get all Table IDs)
Other commands:
Route Lookup
Performs and downloads route lookup
routeLookup [txt_file_name] [sbcID] [trunkID] [ani] [dnis]
txt_file_name = file name to write lookup response
sbcID = ID of the desired source SBC to perform the route lookup with
trunkID = ID of the desired source trunk to perform the route lookup with
ani = ANI source digits
dnis = Dnis destination digits
numberLookup [txt_file_name] [table] [dnis]
Downloads real time stats
stats [stats_file_name] [stat_type]
- stats_file_name = file name to write requested stats
- stat_type = systemQpsStats, trunkQpsStats, systemInfo, vsxiClusterConfigStatus
Push Configuration (For VSXi management only)
Initiates VSXi Config push to selected VSXi Cluster
pushVSXiClusterConfig [ClusterID] [sbcIDs]
- ClusterID=<ClusterID>
- sbcIDs = Comma separated IDs of SBCs to push configuration to (example 1,4)
Example: java -jar Sansay_ROME_WS_Client -a192.168.1.2 -usuperuser -psansay1234 update route
Example: java -jar Sansay_ROME_WS_Client -a192.168.1.2 -usuperuser -psansay1234 delete route
Example: java -jar Sansay_ROME_WS_Client -a192.168.1.2 -usuperuser -psansay1234 download route 3 2
Example: java -jar Sansay_ROME_WS_Client -a192.168.1.2 -usuperuser -psansay1234 replace route
For VSXi Config Manager:
Example: java -jar Sansay_ROME_WS_Client -a192.168.1.2 -usuperuser -psansay1234 download VSXi_route ClusterID=1